Our Future Self Vision is a powerful tool in creating the life of our dreams. After all, if we don’t have clear goals for where we are going, how can we possibly have the best shot at actualizing a life that defies even what we could dream possible? This Future Self Vision can FLOW — there is no need for concern that writing down a vision could LIMIT what we create — rather, as they say, shoot for the moon, miss, and you will still hit the stars. This process serves as a guide for our life, never as a limit for what we can create and accomplish.
Beyond simply detailing a vision for the future, we are most powerfully supported in this process by being clear on our “why,” clear on the core beliefs that underlie our thoughts and feelings, and the super clear on a strategy to execute the vision. Each of these areas is key to having the most powerful force of creation in the direction of our dreams.
It is easiest and most powerful to separate our life into different areas and look at each area separately. At PRTL, we break it down as follows:
- Physical Health and Fitness: How do we see our bodies looking, feeling, and being in the future?
- Mental Health and Fitness: How do we see our emotional and mental capacities looking, feeling, and being in the future?
- Connection and Community: How do we see our relationships looking, feeling, and being in the future?
- Career and Learning: How do we see our professional and learning life looking, feeling, and being in the future?
- Wealth and Lifestyle: How do we see our financial life looking, feeling, and being in the future?
- Contribution and Service: How do we see our legacy of giving, looking, feeling, and being in the future?
The more detail, as Cameron Harold detailed in his “Vivid Vision” process, the better. The below worksheet will help you move through this exercise, and at PRTL, we created an internal 7-day challenge for the team that we are happy to share with you as well — simply contact us for the videos. We love you and all of your visions of greatness! Go get it!